October 25, 2022
Low-Carb Spaghetti n' Meatballs
Your new favorite fluffy, full of flavor, perfectly savory meatballs.
If you’re as big of a snack-fanatic as we are, you’ve probably earned yourself a bit of a rep with your friends and family as the person who ALWAYS has snacks on them. As the legendary Beyoncé said: "I got Fat Snax in my bag, swag." 🎶😉
While this is an awesome thing to be known for, it can also be a total drag when everyone assumes that they’ll be able to snag some snacks from you. While you could theoretically buy some “distraction snacks”—aka, food that you have on hand to keep other people happy and far away from your favorite Snax—we’d like to propose something even better.
Hide. Your. Snax. Nope, it’s not extreme. It’s necessary. 💯
Luckily, we're not the only ones who do this. We asked our Fat Snax Fam for their top-secret hiding spots and, we’ve gotta say, we were blown away by the lengths that our Fam will go in order to keep their goodies safe from snack swindlers and Lemony Lemon leeches.
Without further ado, here are 15 genius and hilarious recommendations for where to hide your Snax, so you can have your cookie and eat it too!
Now that you’ve read these suggestions, what are you waiting for? There’s no time to waste when it comes to securing your snacks. In fact, someone could be munching on your Brownie Bites as you’re reading this!! 😱
Got any other suggestions? If you think of any more devious spots to hide your snacks, we would LOVE to hear em! Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @eatfatsnax with the hashtag #HideYourSnax.