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5 Signs You’re in Ketosis and What to Do Next

January 27, 2021 | by Parker Ewing
5 Signs You’re in Ketosis and What to Do Next


You’re feeling all the feels and your body is changing. It’s all a little weird—and sometimes awkward. But we’re here to tell you it’s completely normal! It’s called keto puberty (well, we call it that). Everything from your changing body to your clothes fitting a little gives us all a bit of deja-vu, right?

It can take a week or so to reach ketosis through a high-fat, low-carb diet, even if you’re eating the right amount of daily macros. So, how will you know once your body’s in a fat-burning state? There are some clear indicators along the way: some are fun and exciting (we’re looking at you, lower blood sugar and weight loss!), and others can be a bit frustrating (you may have heard rumors of the “keto flu”). But all of these things are your body telling you that it’s transitioning from relying on glucose to ketones. So if your body is acting up, don't fret! These signs of ketosis are totally normal, and we've all been there on our road to keto #FatYeah!


1. You’re investing in mouthwash. 

If you’re experiencing a fruity, acetone, or metallic smell coming from your mouth, this might be an indicator that you’ll soon be in ketosis if you keep things up. This smell is caused by elevated ketone levels. Don’t worry though, that’s why toothpaste, mouthwash, gum, and mints exist! Just be sure that if you chew gum or eat mints, they’re sugar-free. 


2. You’re in an endless Instagram scroll through the night.

When you first start reducing carbs, you may have some insomnia or find yourself waking up throughout the night. The good news is that this typically improves in only a few weeks. And, even better? Many folks on keto claim that they eventually sleep better than they did before going keto. Hang in there, you’ll be getting back to sleep in no time.


3. [Insert potty joke here]

Because the keto diet involves major changes in the foods you eat, digestive issues like constipation and diarrhea are common at first. These issues should subside after the transition period, but be mindful of any particular foods that may be causing these side effects. Most importantly, make sure to eat a diet that’s rich and diverse with lots of low-carb veggies.


4. Help! I have brain fog! 

Don’t worry, this is completely natural. After years of running on a different kind of fuel, your body needs time to adapt. To reduce fatigue, try upping your electrolyte intake: try to get 1,000mg of potassium and 300mg of magnesium per day. Another crucial bit of this is upping your water intake. When you cut back on carbs, your body loses more water, which can make you feel more tired. So, remember to stay hydrated and replenish those electrolytes! 


5. Woah, I can fit into my wedding dress again!

During the first week, you can lose weight pretty quickly. But, it’s primarily weight that’s been stored in carbs and water. After this initial phase, you will likely continue to lose weight at a more steady rate. 

Just like you can’t grow a thick mustache overnight, getting into ketosis takes time. So, don’t fret if nothing’s happening right away. The transition can take weeks to several months of mindfulness and careful attention. If you need help figuring out what to eat, look no further than our Year of Keto subscription that includes meal plans and grocery lists to help you get the most-est from ketosis. We also know a few snacks that will make your journey all the sweeter. 

💪 Get the Most-est From Ketosis 💪

*Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise or diet prescription.